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There are resources available both on and off campus who can provide assistance to parties navigating difficult and/or dangerous situations. All listed services are free and their confidentiality status is notated.


辅导及心理服务 (学生)
电话: 850.474.2420

学生办公室主任 (学生)
电话: 850.474.2384
服务: Student Rights and Responsibilities is responsible for addressing alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Student Care 服务 provides assistance to students navigating difficult issues and offers support.

UWF人力资源-员工援助计划 (员工)
电话: 1.800.272.7252

电话: 850.474.2415
保密:不保密. Should a student or employee desire to initiate a criminal investigation, this is a separate process than a UWF 第九条 investigation, 应该通知警察.


Emergency Room 服务 - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)
保密:保密 unless the kit is requested to be filed with law enforcement
服务: The emergency rooms in all hospitals located in Escambia or Santa Rosa County offer medical and trauma exams. Victims of sexual assault or rape should request a trauma exam from a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE). A sexual assault forensic examination and evidence collection can be done up to five days after the assault. The SANE examiner will explain all aspects of the medical forensic examination, 获得检查的同意, 如果需要的话,收集证据. Treatment for STD’s and emergency contraception may also be requested. Forensic evidence can be collected without reporting to law enforcement. The sexual assault examination kit will be stored for four years, in the event an individual chooses to initiate legal action.

电话: 850.434.6600
服务: 西北佛罗里达州的赞成之家 offers a variety of resources for victims of domestic/relationship violence including 24/7 crisis lines, 避难所, 推广咨询服务, 过渡性住房.

电话: 1.800.962.2873
TDD: 1.800.453.5145
保密: Mostly confidential, information can be subpoenaed
服务: 墨西哥湾儿童之家 is a children's advocacy center serving Pensacola and Escambia County. 作为儿童权益保护中心, we combine all of the professionals and resources needed for the intervention, investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases under one child-friendly facility. Child victims and their families also receive mental health 咨询 at our center. The goal of 墨西哥湾儿童之家 is to form a more collaborative response to child abuse cases so that we can improve case outcomes and minimize trauma to the children and families we serve.

电话: 866.585.2040 (埃斯坎比亚和圣罗莎县)
服务: Gulf Coast Sexaual Assault Program is a new service in the Pensacola community and replacing the services previously offered at Lakeview Center. The Gulf Coast SAP provides free and confidential resources for victims of sexual violence to seek advocacy, 危机干预, 和支持.

First Judicial Circuit of Florida - Domestic Violence and Civil Injunctions
网站: firstjudicialcircuit.org
服务: The First Judicial Circuit website is a resource for victims of any act of domestic violence or have reasonable cause to believe that you are in imminent danger of becoming a victim of domestic violence, you may ask the court for an injunction (protective order) prohibiting domestic violence. 禁制令是一种法院命令, 有时被称为“限制令”," that directs a person not to have any contact with you.


反暴力项目 - - - - - - avon.org
AVP提供全天候热线, 咨询, 教育, 以及对女同性恋的支持, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, and HIV-affected individuals who have experienced violence, 歧视, 或以仇恨暴力的形式骚扰, 亲密伴侣暴力, 性暴力, 与艾滋病毒相关的暴力, 或机构暴力.

改变校园文化中心 ——changingourcampus.org
提供最新的研究成果, 校园政策示例, 协议, 最佳实践, and information on how to access training opportunities and technical assistance.

佛罗里达反性暴力委员会 ——fcasv.org
A statewide non-profit organization committed to victims and survivors of sexual violence and the sexual assault crisis programs who serve them.

了解你的IX ——knowyourix.org
A campaign that aims to educate college students in the US about their rights under 第九条.

爱就是尊重 ——loveisrespect.org
A resource dedicated for people who are questioning their relationship or have experienced an unhealthy/abusive relationship, 跟踪, 或者性暴力. They offer online resources as well as phone and text hotlines.

全国家庭暴力热线 ——thehotline.org
A national organization that offers 24/7 free and confidential chat and phone hotline services for anyone experiencing a violent/unhealthy relationship or are questioning their relationship. 他们还提供教育和意识.

国家性暴力资源中心 ——nsvrc.org
A national organization whose mission is to provide leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaboration, 共享和创建资源, 促进研究.

壹爱基金会 ——joinonelove.org
壹爱基金会 offers free apps for smart phones and other electronic devices through the play store associated with Apple and Android operating systems.

一个爱我的计划应用程序 assesses relationship safety and helps to create a personalized safety action plan. The app also provides access to trained advocate support 24/7 through an embedded live chat function.

一个爱情危险评估应用程序 is designed specifically for 16-24 year olds to assess the safety and health of their relationship. It offers a live chat function that provides 24 hour support through your phone.

强奸虐待 & 乱伦全国网络 - - - - - -瑞恩.org
The Nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization that provides an online hotline, 全国电话热线, 推荐给当地服务提供商, 以及其他信息/资源.

If you have a question or need to talk to someone about the information listed on this website, 请联系第九条协调员, 珍妮汉密尔顿, at 850.474.2175 or jhamilton@wxzjnt.com.